The Changing Hagiography of St. Æthelthryth
Stacie Turner
It is with great regret and disappointment that we at The Heroic Age have had to remove the article The Changing Hagiography of St. Æhelthryth by Stacie Turner. As it turns out, Stacie Turner plagiarized from works already published by other scholars. We take this very seriously and have removed the article completely. Should readers wish to discover more about Aethelthryth, we recommend that they consult the following Works Cited page. Those in bold face type are those from which Turner derived her unacknowledged information.
This is an embarrassment for us here at The Heroic Age. We apologize to Dr. Ridyard, Dr. Blanton, and Dr. Otter for this oversight and error in editing that created this situation. We hope that highlighting their works below will in some small way make up for this serious issue with their published works. Finally, I in my position as editor apologize to you readers, to the board of The Heroic Age, and the editors of Issue 10 for allowing this piece by Turner to be published.
Works Cited
Aelfric. 1881. Saint Aethelthryth, virgin. In Aelfric's lives of the saints, Vol I. Ed. Walter W. Skeat. London: Early English Text Society. [Back]
Bede. 1990. Ecclesiastical history of the English people. Trans. Leo Shirley Price. Revisions by R.E. Latham. New York: Penguin. [Back]
Blake, E. O. 1962. Liber Eliensis. London: Royal Historical Society. [Back]
Goscelin. 1887. The Life of Saint Werburge of Chester. Ed. Carl Hostmann. Trans. Henry Bradshaw. London: Early English Text Society. [Back]
Herbert, Kathleen. 1999. Peace-weavers & shield maidens: Women in early English society. Norfolk, England: Anglo-Saxon Books. [Back]
Parbury, Kathleen. 1985. Women of grace: A biographical dictionary of British saints, martyrs and reformers. Boston: Oriel. [Back]
Procopius. 1914. History of the Wars. Ed. & trans. H. B. Dewing. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [Back]
Ridyard, Susan J. 1988. The royal saints of Anglo-Saxon England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Back]
Rodrigues, Louis, trans. 1999. Anglo-Saxon verse charms, maxims and heroic legends. Lampeter, Wales: Llanerch Press. [Back]
Rosenwein, Barbara H. 1989. To be the neighbor of St. Peter: The social meaning of Cluny's property, 909-1049. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. [Back]